I've been thinking a lot about Alex's birthmother and her family. We've talked with Alex this week about how the phone rang in the middle of the night with the call to let us know that the baby was coming. How we packed up the car as quickly as possible and headed to Oklahoma. We've talked about seeing him for the first time and holding him. The wonder of looking at this precious newborn boy and knowing that he was our son.
It was such a happy time, but our joy was mixed with the sadness of his birthmother and family as they prepared to say goodbye. Adoption is a miracle and has brought so much happiness to our family, but it is also full of sadness for the birthfamily. Alex's birthmother wanted us to be his parents, and she hugged us and wished us well, but she also cried as she held her son for the last time. The memories still bring tears to my eyes. Alex's birthmother will always have a special place in our hearts and we pray for her and her family often.
About our Alex................
Alex is very personable. He will talk to anyone and is so sweet and friendly that he always puts a smile on others faces. He also likes to ask lots of questions. He's very curious about how things work and what things are used for.
He's also our active child. Full of energy and always on the go.
But he's also very gentle and caring. He loves little children and is always taking care of his siblings. He was the first one to get both Michael and Lily to smile when they came home.
He's very loving and still wants to hug and snuggle.
Our Alex is a wonderful and incredible gift from God. We love him so much!
(scroll down to see another new post below)
Alex's birthday party at Chuck E Cheeses
Awww, so cute, Deb! The pics of the elephant just about made me bawl! Oh how they grow up so fast.