Sunday, July 10, 2011


Lily really loves family. She talks about family and she plays family with her brothers. When they play, she's always the Mommy. I'll hear one of the boys yelling "Mommy", and when I say "what", they say, "no, not you Mommy, the other Mommy"!

Well, the other day Ruben was outside doing some digging, and the kids were watching. He kept digging up worms, so all the kids got plastic water bottles and added a little dirt. Ruben put a worm in each bottle. Lily came back for another one, and when Ruben put the second worm in her bottle, she said "Ahhhhh, now they're a family"!! After that, every times he put a worm in, she said "ahhhhh", in that sweet tone usually reserved for cute things like babies, and apparently.......worms!

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