Last night at 3am, Lily was very restless. I thought her hands felt hot, but it took a while for my tired brain to make the connection and feel her forehead. She was burning up!! Fever of 103 from the shots. Fortunately I was smart enough to bring 3 bottles of
motrin in 3 different flavors. We were able to find one she would swallow and not spit out on the floor. She did sleep then until morning. Her fever was down to 100 in the morning, but after another dose of
motrin, she was able to eat a good breakfast, and seemed to be feeling a little better.
Today, we went on a tour of the Six Banyan Temple. This is a Buddhist Temple originally built in 537 AD. There are still Banyan trees on the grounds, although the original 6 are long since gone. Upon entering you see a number of statues where people worship. Many burn incense sticks and leave the sticks or peanuts as offerings. I asked about the peanuts and was told that the monks are vegetarians and cook everything in peanut oil, so apparently, it's an appropriate offering. We did see a number of monks there and they will come out and bless your child, although we opted not do the blessing. One of the members of our group caught a picture of one of the monks on his blackberry! Alex had a lot of questions about why the people there were praying to statues/rocks, and not to God. He even went up to one of the Chinese worshippers (who did not understand
English), and told him he should not pray to the rock. Our guide told us that the official number of Christians in China is approx. 1%, but they think the real number is closer to 2.5%. Christian churches are allowed, but they have to follow certain rules. Because of this, there are a number of non-registered churches in people's homes.
The pagoda on the grounds was quite beautiful. It appears to be 9 stories on the outside, but is actually 17 stories on the inside. Not long ago, it was open to the public. It was closed after a person (maybe more - that was not clear), thought they could fly and jumped off.
After the temple, we went to a shop to look around. There was an artist there that does beautiful drawings with only his fingers and palm dipped in ink.
Lily still wasn't feeling 100%, but did
ok. She just wanted to be carried a lot.
After lunch in the room, I met 3 of the other Moms for some shopping at a wholesale warehouse mall, and the pearl and jade market. I will never complain about the crowds at the mall during the holidays again! I have never seen anything like this. The mall was at least 5 stories of hundred of little shops, and crowds of people. It was hard to walk, and easy to get lost. Each store was tiny. Three people was a crowd. Found some good deals, but was glad to get out of there. The pearl and jade market was similar in set-up, although not as crowded. Tons of little stores, all selling pearls. We had a personal shopper that took us to certain stores and helped us negotiate. As much as I wanted to shop, I was glad when we were done!
While I was gone, Ruben managed the 4 kids and did a great job, of course! Lily, however, wanted her mother. She did nap, although she cried going to sleep. When she woke up, she cried for a while. Ruben had to walk with her as she wouldn't let him sit down. She did settle down once I got back I took Lily and Alex for a walk to pick up laundry and look at some shops. Alex's favorite shop is Jenny's, as she always gives him a free item when we go in. So far he's gotten a flag, a fan, a package of cookies, and a dragon necklace.
That evening we had pizza from Papa John's in our room. It was pretty good. Not as good as home, but better than the Pizza Hut pizza we had in our province. Lily seemed to like it an ate it as long as we cut it up for her.
Lily cried when we put her to bed, and called for her nanny. She hasn't done that in 3 days. It took her a little longer than usual to fall asleep.
Things we've learned about Lily:
- She's very neat. She picks things up off the floor and brings them to us, and she doesn't like it when food falls off her plate onto the table or her clothes.
- She eats better if her food is broken into pieces. If given a whole cookie, she will take one little nibble, and put it back. But if the cookie is broken into pieces, she'll eat the whole thing.
- She loves to copy Alex. He was marching through the suite carrying his flag, and Lily picked up a flag and followed after him!
- If her brothers are doing something she doesn't think is right, she comes to us jabbering and pointing..........she's a very cute little tattle tale!
- She prefers to be held in the front with her head on my shoulder. I'm enjoying the cuddles now, as I'm sure it won't last.
- She loves riding in her stroller. She was a little nervous at first and held on tightly, but now she jumps right in when it's time to go. She's also a little
possessive and grabbed it from a little girl who was touching it at the medical center!
- She's STILL a little
leery of Daddy. If she's playing with a toy when daddy walks in, she puts it aside until he leaves. She also still turns her head when he kisses her.....and wipes it off. She won't go to daddy, but will let him hold her if he just picks her up.
Good morning Lily!

These men were playing some sort of game outside just off the street.

The smiling Budda that welcomes all to the temple

The Pagoda

These 3 statues represent Past, Present, and Future. Many people were burning insence and worshipping in front of these statues.

An offering table

Taking a rest from the heat with one of the families from our agency. They are from Kansas City and are traveling with their 8 and 9yr old boys to adopt their 2-yr old daughter.

Sitting by the Banyan Tree. The little girl is Jolee.....the new 3-yr old daughter of one of our agency families.

A monk heading off to study or worship

Artist that paints with his fingers and palms

The wholesale mall

This is a typical hallway at the mall .........check out the crowds!

One of the pearl shops

After you select your pearls, they string them at the shop

Alex loves to pose with all the statues on the island